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lewis structure for aluminum and oxygen and the neutral formula?

im my home work i was asked to draw a lewis structure that will result from the combination of aluminum and oxygen and then write the correct neutral formulaim pretty sure i got the lewis structure right but im not sure how the formula is saposed to be writen.this is what i gotAl has 3 electrons and O has 6 so therefore you need 2 Al for every 3 O2[al]^+3 3[n(with 8 dots)]^-2Al2O3so is the formula saposed to be writen the first way with the brackets or is the formula the second way where you just state the number of each element?


When we go camping we bring plenty of baconIts probably the best thing to eat when campingTortillas are good too because you can wrap up your eggs bacon and potatos and have a breakfast burritoYou should already have a good idea of your essentials Another helpful item is babywipesThese help freshen you up if you get the kind made with aloe they also sootheAnother suggested item is some whiskeyHave to have someLast year my friend broke his hand while hiking and he survived the rest of the trip due to the whiskeyMagnesium is a little better than flint so I'd agree with thatI would bring a pocket knife, compass and topo mapMost areas have topo maps available online somewhereI'm from southern Arizona, animals aren't the worst of our worries here while campingSo we also bring a couple guns for safety Horse shoes are a good source of entertainment while camping, so are dominoesCards can be hard to play sometimes due to wind but dominoes aren't affectedDepending upon the population of the area golf balls and clubs are fun tooTiki torches can be useful as well you can set them around the perimeter of the camp and help eliminate bugsMake sure to turn off the cellIf you are searching for a signal it will kill the battery very fastThe best thing to bring though are friendsCamping is always a better experience when shared with good friendsHave fun.
Aluminum Lewis Structure
I agree that a cell phone is essentialYou can use a windup flashlight or radio with weatherbandI recommend a magnesium firestarterIt works a bit better than flintCitronella oil in an old hurricane lamp does double duty, as a source of light and as an insect repellantPlace your food in a sack, tie it to a rope and hoist it up at night to keep critters out of itFish for your breakfast, lunch, and dinnerBring dry socks.
Depends on what you call low-techBe sure wherever you go that open fires are allowedI would take a tent,coleman stove and light, water proof matches insect repellent(with Deet) Cot and mattress.(snakes love to cuddle under warm bodies)a cot will get you off the ground.Take plenty water and don't forget the Bacon and Eggs,they are the best when campingOf course take a skilletLeave the video games,radios and TV at home, Enjoy nature at its bestTHATS CAMPING of course my style now is HOLIDAY INN Enjoy
Are you hiking into a back-country area or camping in a campground where you can unload and set up next to your car? A sleeping bag rated to below the low temp you are expectingA grill and cooking utensils suitable for fire cookingDehydrated non perishable food or a good coolerWaterLots and lots of waterA hatchet for chopping kindlingA tent of a suitable sizeMost Walmart, Kmart, and Target tents are decent quality and reasonable priceAlso look on EBayCabela's has some really cool camping gear, more specialized stuff than the big box stores.

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