will you get less drunk if u drink light beer?
well i drunk 10 bottles of some beer before and i was hammered ! i drunk about 7 bottles of light beer and i still got hammered so no ! not less drunk
It depends on the alcohol content of the beer. Most full bodies beers tend to have somewhat of a higher content, where as light beers tend to be around the same range of say 5%. I've drank full bodies beers that can be around the 7-10% range.
light beer has a slightly lower alcohol percent than a normal beer, but dosnt mean u have to drink twice as much to get drunk. You wont notice a difference in the amount it takes at all
Light beer is reduced in alcohol content and therefore has less calories. Light usually means a beer with less than 4% alcohol by volume. So, yes, that means you'll get less drunk.
Funny you ask, a couple of years ago when I was in college, they put a French exchange student named Pierre with me and my roommates. He loved drinking and said no one in France drank light beer. I at the time loved Coors Light and when I would drink it he told me Coors Light is for Gays no?! it has less alcohol he said. I laughed and said no Pierre just less calories. I later found a website that listed alcohol content by volume on it for several differnt beers. Turns out he was right! Most of the american light beers on the list were in the neighborhood of 4.2% and most american non light beers was around 5.0%. Have 3 Coors Light one night the next night have 3 Coors Original, you'll seethe difference. So in short, light beer, a little less drunk, yes. However, if you plan on pounding back several in one night, it shouldn't matter either way. Hope this helped