Light steel keel and wood keel ceiling unit area of the amount of material how to calculate?
Light steel keel and wood keel ceiling unit area of the amount of material, the budget staff can help you calculate, according to the area of the amount of fixed unit material, you can calculate the unit area of light steel keel and wood keel ceiling material consumption.
Light steel keel and wood keel ceiling. Generally use rice to calculate the price. The Smallpox is calculated on a flat basis.
Paint is also by area, open area to count.
According to the ceiling area of 3 times the calculation, such as the ceiling area of 100 square meters, 300 meters keel.
Light steel keel ceiling ratio is: the main keel is 1: 1.1 (per square meter ceiling main keel is 1.1 meters), vice keel is 1: 3.5, the main hanging pieces 1: 1, 1, Hook 1; 3.5, the remaining accessories (main then, vice, support, screw, burst nails), etc. is 1.
Wood keel ceiling ratio is: 3 * 4 wood side 1: 5.5 (including the use of boom), the rest is nails and other hardware.
Gypsum board is basically 1: 1.1 (modeling should be open).