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lighting retrofits program For School Associations?

lighting retrofits program For School Associations?


The lighting retrofit program helps owners and leaseholders of commercial and industrial facilities upgrade light fixtures and lighting controls to energy.
Hi, Now days, the upcoming condominiums are opting for better lighting solutions and are now using the LED lighting for the condos. Many of the existing condominium associations are also opting for LED retrofits and are using them for their own condos. They are opting for LED lighting retrofits and are thus replacing the existing lights with them. The importance of lighting retrofitting in Condominium associations is that that the LED lights are more energy efficient than any other lights. One can use the LED lights in the condos and surely notice the reduction in electricity bills. Another factor that makes LED retrofits a better choice is that using them in the condos can increase the value of the condos and help one get greener homes.

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