Okay, I'm setting up an NFT hydroponic garden and am now looking for the water pump. I would like some suggestions for one that will give a steady stream at a good rate for the plants. But, it must have a minimum lift of 5ft to reach the first level.I would prefer one with a flow rate adjustment but if you could at least make a suggestion to the GPH it should pump for the right flow after a 5 ft climb I could search more in that range for one I like.Thank you!
I think you may want to look at the small pond pumps and just about any nursery or home supply store or landscaping store. they may have the specs on hand, or see if they can demo one for you. some places have a display pond set up already. You also might try a small swimming pool pump and put a voltage regulator in the line and adjust the pump speed that way. maybe rig a sewing machine pedal in the line and use a C clamp for an adjuster. I love rigging thing. It may not work with a gfi plug.