LS2 heads and LS6 cam and intake manifold on a aluminum 5.3l vortec motorAbout how much horsepower will i gainI bought a 72 Chevelle with the 5.3l vortec already swapped inFrom what i understand these motors are just like LS1 motors with smaller displacementI also understand the LS2 heads are just like the LS6 heads except they don't have sodium filled valvesI got the heads, intake manifold, and cam nearly new from a friend who had them on his LS1 camaro for about 4 months before buying a trick flow top end kitAbout how much more power would i see with thisHe made 340 at the rear wheels in his camaro which is about 400hp at the crankshaft
There's a lot better cams you can use than the LS6 cam, and it's almost not worth it to swap the LS2 heads on, as the 5.3 HO heads are almost as good as the LS2s are, as is the truck intakeThe only way you get any significant improvement is with the high-end aftermarket aluminum heads and intakesI would leave your motor entirely alone, swap the factory 5.3 camshaft for a custom cam from texas speed and get them to do your computer retune as wellThey're really good people for hot LSx motor partsI saw a stock junkyard 5.3 that they had re-cammed put down a daily driveable 450 flywheel hpAwesome stuff!