LV how to solder, seek expert advice, please everybody
Loading wire to welderThere is a knack for correctly loading aluminum wire (also applicable to steel wire), which is very important for loading aluminum welding wires and avoiding welding failures. Hold the wire shaft safely with one hand to make sure it won't let loose. Once you open the cellophane wrapper, hold the loose end of the wire with the other hand before you put it into the drive wheel. Inexperienced people usually fail to grip the loose end and cause the entire bundle of wires to start loosening. If this happens, it will not be remedied and welding operations will be greatly affected - you will have to buy another bundle of wire.
First of all, strongly recommend the purchase of a dedicated aluminum wire feed tool, a kit will contain the following items:1. non metallic lined tubes - designed to minimize wire feed friction2. U grooved drive roller - used to prevent breakage or deformation of soft aluminum wire. These drive rollers don't scratch aluminum wires like V groove rollers. The use of V groove roller, will make the wire scraping lining pipe plug, causing wire feed failure.3. inlet and outlet guide device - designed to avoid wire scratches.4. contact contacts - use a larger diameter opening in the welding head of aluminum material, because the expansion of the aluminum wire is more expansive than that of the steel. Therefore, the size of the contact head for aluminum wire is small enough to maintain electrical contact and sufficient to allow expansion.
Set the tightness of the wire brakeTightness only need to ensure that the wire will not loose, but not too tight, otherwise it will cause the welding wire to drag and drop. To correct the setting, first the tightness to the minimum, and then put on the welding wire, let it through the drive roller, if in addition to welding wire roller is moving, and other parts have stopped, that is not tight enough. Be careful when handling, because too tight will cause excessive force on the wire. In addition, do not strain the last few laps of the wire when it is out of use; it is usually difficult to loosen because the wire is too hard.