Should I leave it plugged in even after the battery is charged or unplug and run down again.
Use butter and oil not to much, don't cover you didn't say how you liked your steak rare medrare medor well doneI would cook it about 7 - 10 minper side then cut into it to check.
Oh good grief- please don't do such a thing! Grilling is by far the best way, but if you can't- at least broil itIn a pan with a lid will just make it soggy.
no, no, no! You will ruin itok, let me give you the best one you've ever tastedthen NEXT TIME go to sams club and buy theirsIt's expensive, but will taste better than outbackHopefully you have a cookie sheet add a little butter under the steak if you want for flavor too Ingredients: worchestershire sprinkle over top of steak, baja chilpote marianate sauce, cover top of steak, table spoon bbq sauce, and sprinkle 2tsp balsalmic vinegarI also use just a little tobascoRUB STEAK with all these ingredients both sidesLet set aside 30 minutesNEVER put a cold steak right straight on to the grill or panset timer for 25 minutesThen put broiler on stove onset timer for 5 more minutes, then put steak on top rack closest to broiler on cookie sheet on tin foil ( to keep juices in )Is it 16oz? Cook one side 5-8 minutes, then turnWatch edges of steak, never let them get burnt5min then take outcover the tin foil over the steak to let it sort of steam in there until meal is completely ready to serveThe juices of the meat will stay inside the steak this way nowOH MY GOODNESS, you'll DIE eating itemail me how wonderful it was!
Keep it on charger and remove the battery (if u are able to)