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magnetic Monopoles dont exist? how is that possible?

Natural magnetic monopoles those that occur in nature and are experienced on a macro scale everyday are do existin a bar magnet for example there is a distinct N and S pole on the magnet. To establish a mono polic phenonmena in a magnetized materialone simply nuetralizes one of the two poles of the magnet. by turning the magnetic field on itself. configure a precise sphereoid with all the outward surfaces of the sphere being of one particular polarity say N for example the other polarity would be within the core of the sphere and would be masked to the outside world by the outward facing Polarity. therefore the sphere would be N magnetic polarity in all directions in this example ,thus a monopolic effect would be expressed by the sphere in referance to the Environment in which it is placed


A monopole means that the field lines diverge out from an enclosing surface everywhere. There are no known magnetic monopoles. If you enclose a magnetic object by a sphere, for example, every magnetic field line that exits the sphere must eventually return to it. Elementary particles that have a monopole magnetic field could *theoretically* exist, but no one has ever seen one.
It's not a monopole though is it. The opposite polarity still exists. (The absense of magnetic monopoles is a consequence of Gauss's Law for Magnetism)
One more thing to take into account-- magnetic field lines form closed loops from the north to the south pole of the magnet. If you were to make something in that shape, the magnetic field of any magnet would be cancelled by the fields from the magnets surrounding it. You'd get a nonmagnetic lump, even though each bit separately has a magnetic field.

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