I have a playstation PSP charger that is 5v 2A, so it takes 0 watts.I have several small solar panels that put out watt a piece and are 4 volts, 250mAhow can I get my 0 watts to be 5v 2A instead of 4v 250mA? the voltages have to match up right?also, what's a 3-T regulator that controls voltage?
3-T is just one type of many devices designed to control voltage so you get the amount you desire with as little static as possible. Without you having an degree in engineering, I can't explain it to you any better. You will also need to produce true sine wave energy or you will burn out your PSP with the correct volts and amps. You need one to produce only 5 volts 2amps. Anything different will burn out yur PSP. Your problem is simple math. Watts = volts multiplied by amps. Amps = Watts divided by volts. So if your solar panels can produce /4 amp ( 250 mA) each, then you connect one to the other in a series until you get enough connected to make 2A. ( 8 panels { /4mA x 8 = 2A}) You now have a panel with 32Volts, 2Amps, 64 Watts. This is where the T-3 regulator comes in. If you buy one for 5 volts, it will allow only 5 volts 2 amps, to go to your PSP.
The first item is whether the psp charger output is ac or dc. IF, AC then you are stuck as the panels put out DC. (Increasing the voltage enough to cover invertor losses is not practical in this instance!) IF DC, then you need to combine panels to produce 2 Amps, after which it is run through the 3 terminal VOLTAGE regulator to limit the voltage to 5v. That is 8 panels in parallel in 2 groups placed in series = 2amps at 8 volts, then add regulator for 2 amps at 5v. (Parallel increases amps, series increases volts.) Total panels required is 6 panels.