Hi,I stored stew in a plastic container in the freezer. I really want to take from the stew but since its frozen......i cant.I know i should not microwave food in a plastic container . So, is it okay if I put the plastic container on stoneware plate that is microwaveable and then microwave it?
What makes you think you should not microwave plastic containers? If you have a very cheap one it can distort because of the heat, but most are not a problem in the microwave. If it's because of the things leach out of plastic that cause cancer that is Urban Legend and untrue. How can I know if a plastic container is okay to use in the microwave oven? Many of today’s plastic containers, packages and wraps are specially designed to withstand microwave temperatures. To make sure yours is one of them, check the item or its packaging label and follow any instructions. If neither the item nor the package is marked, it’s best to use a different container.