Mixed bed resin filling after stratification also need?
Pretreatment of resins1. from the bottom of the exchange column, 3~4m/h 4%HCl solution of two times the resin volume (the total amount of resin of the resin) is taken from the bottom to the bottom, and then soaked with hydrochloric acid solution in the exchange column for 4~8h.2. rinse the resin from top to bottom with clean water until the effluent pH test is about 5.3. the water level placed about 500mm resin layer, from the exchange column into the base tube, at a flow rate of 3~4m/h from the top down into the two times the volume of resin (total amount of cation and anion exchange resin resin) about 4%NaOH solution, and then use the exchange for 4~8h hydrochloric acid solution in the column.4. after alkali soaking, without cleaning, directly for backwashing, backwash start when the velocity is small, when the resin after loosening, gradually increase the backwash flow rate, the expansion rate of the resin layer in 50~70%, maintain 10min, observe whether clear stratification.
Resin filling1. in the resin filling before the first check if the equipment is in good condition, whether there is a head exchange column, nuts and other iron slag; at the same time to check the water cap is tightened, and test pressure, no leakage exists. Packing bags, inner bags, ropes, and sand shall also be removed into the exchange column during the filling of the resin.2. of the first exchange column filled with about 200mm of the height of water, put into the cation resin exchange column, according to the exchange column size calculation, the amount of resin filling Yang required, and then from the bottom up forbackwashing will ensure that the cationic resin layer toppin, cation resin filling height of less than about 30mm.3. continue to inject water exchange column, until the height of water in Shenyang resin layer at 1000mm, according to the exchange column size calculation, the amount of resin filling required Yin, Yin resin filling height is 2 times the height of the cation resin, resin filling should be maintained in the resin layer without air bubbles.When the 4. resin is packed, fill the exchange column with water and rinse from top to bottom until the water is clear.