If you have good service around your house, What are the disadvantages to having solely a mobile phone?
Unlimited local calling, voice quality, no dropped calls, ADSL internet access, 911 service, etc. Land lines will boost your credit rating since they give you a address showing you have some stability. your cell phone will not work in a power outage and your land line will.
I have NEVER lost my land line service just because the power went out. You would have to have a Major storm that knocks Down the poles that have the Phone , Power cable TV lines on them. (Such as an Ice storm or tornado.)
After 6 weeks of not having cell phone service it bothers me because I got so use to calling from anywhere on cell phone. Then I always have to remember the Very high cost just to talk and when put on hold your prime time minutes are just eaten away. Land line service to me is very cheap. Long and short distance unlimited at $33- via Comcast I can't beat. My only drawback is I have to be home for calls.
Expense and call quality. Mobile phones never sound as good as landlines. Generally landlines include unlimited local calling. You only pay extra for long distance. Landlines also connect to the correct 9/11 dispatch center, and it shows your address. Mobile phones usually have their 911 calls routed somewhere else first. Where I live, all the mobile phone 911 calls go to the California Highway Patrol. After you tell them the story, they'll transfer your call to the proper place.
not much!! ppl are just trying to scare you all the timetelling ya about 911.geeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz.how many times have YOU called 911 in your life?? at least if the power goes out , you still have a phone(cell) lol!!!