What is the electrode of mobile spot welding machine? Is it copper? What's more, SCR?
The area should be high. I don't know about the SCR. Mine is 500
Mobile spot welding electrode materials are chromium, zirconium, copper, beryllium, cobalt, copper and other alloy copper, depending on the welding workpiece material. Mobile spot welder SCR specifications, depending on your specific models, power options. Like an all-in-one, it's 300A. What do you want to do?
Classification of mobile spot welding machines:1. According to the installation position of welding transformer, it can be divided into an integral mobile spot welder and a split moving spot welder. When the welding transformer and the welding arm part, the controller for another part, as one type of mobile welding machine; when the welding transformer and the controller as part of the welding arm alone for a part, as a split mobile welding machine.2, according to the suspension of the use of welding arm, divided into hanging mobile spot welder and ordinary mobile spot welder.
1 beryllium cobalt copper or chromium zirconium copper.2 general suspension type spot welder has a certain range of movement, power more than 125-250KVA, SCR 300-800A range.There are 3 integrated welding machine, welding tongs and integrated power transformer, 25, 40, 60KVA, 80-150A, scr.