I'm no mom. But I'm an older sister and when I see a girl, younger then me ( 17- ), wearing trashy clothes ( fishnet, corsets, see-through fabric ) it only makes me think: How the hell does a mother let her daughter walk outside wearing such things? Does she not worry about her daughters safety? Does she not consider the fact that she could be raped? Or does she simple not care..? If so, just because you gave birth, doesn't mean you're a mother. You have to earn that.
The ones with the teeth down are install improperly teeth should be up this is to keep trash from falling into the pins if they are down which could cause the key not to work
No but I think police are a waste of money. At least half of them any way. They don't do $hit unless it benefits them as individuals or as a group. They enforce laws on a tier system basis. Connected people get better police service while the rest of us get nothing but a variety of excuses. It's all a scam.
here the police might show up in 20 or 30 minutes if they show up at all so that home alarm is a waste of money since the criminals know the police are not coming.
They're not a waste of money. True that when an alarm goes off, it takes a long time for the police to show up. This is because there are a lot of false alarms, and they know there's a 99% chance the alarm is false. If they knew there is an actual burglar in your house, the would rush and be there very fast. In a normal city they can be there in 3-5 minutes. What you need to do is set up cameras in addition to the alarm system. Hook both of them to your cell phone. Once you get an alarm on your phone, you immediately look at the cameras - if you see a burglar then tell the police you see a burglar at your house right now. They will show up very quickly. Most security companies allow for a direct camera hookup to their center so they do that automatically. Additionally, most burglars are opportunistic, meaning they look for an easy in. If you have an alarm but your neighbor doesn't, then they will burglar your neighbor. It is not correct to assume the will prefer your house because they think if you have an alarm you have more valuables. The very few burglars that work off prior intelligence, will know how to bypass an alarm.