I just ordered Mood Sync, it is the natural alternative to anti depression pills. It has naturally occuring ingredients that I need to help maintain seratonin levels. Please let me know if you have taken it, if it works or doesn‘t work and if you would recommend it to your friends or not. I am in need of alternative treatments, so any suggestions in that direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
its all about you you think you want implicit is that if you don't want to do it more than once a week , then your WRONG if he has sex with you and your being passive aggressive , well then of course he is WRONG because it isn't what you would do your morals or choices are not superior to anyone Else' you do not have a monopoly on what is right, you are not special, the world does not revolve around you here is the deal if you want to be the gate keeper on HIS sexuality , and he has told you he is unsatisfied why should he be faithful? now all the women here are going tell you not give in don't have SEx that's fine and that's great but how is that working for you? so here is the question I asked my ex wife before i left her, you have time for cleaning , you have time for washing up, time to watch TV, time for a coffee, time to see friends but if I wanted 20 minutes per day then the answer was no so if I am worth so little that my marriage isn't worth 20 minutes , if i am so far down the list of what is important to her why is the point of being with a woman if your getting less sex than when you were 16? every time you say no , your saying he isn't important your saying your marriage isn't important when he leaves you , don't be surprised, out of everything he does is this such a big issue you want to end your marriage on? it is for men , don't underestimate the sex drive in men