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Motion Detectors - What would work best for my situation?

Not long ago, one of my co-workers was mugged outside our workplace during the night hours. Since we have no real security and I'm currenty working their 3rd hours, I was hoping to invest in a small and cheap motion detector. I'd like one that I can conceal and alert me if anyone's outside our work entrance. I'd like to be quietly alerted with a seperate device that'd either light up or chime when activated. Anyone know of any good motion detectors that'd be ideal?


There are promises of lucrative jobs after their times in office. They also make arrangements to hire family members. Additionally, there are fringe benefits to staying in power. It's noble that you would want to help your constituents. When it comes down to it, I am not so jaded that I think that all members of Congress are in it for filthy lucre (though I think many are). But in order to remain in positions to do their good, they must play the game of obtaining political influence. That means serving the interests that advance people to power. Corporate influence is strong over the parties and in campaign contributions. So even the most genuine members of Congress, lacking a true grass-roots campaign (and even then, I wonder), must play the game of serving lobbyists.
Able to make a pizza that's what. Oh and at the size of a keyboard button too, oh and as thin as paper too. It IS that ridiculous too.
we will become one with a cell phone lol
If your detectors are hardwired then they will likely be interconnected. This means, one detector will set off all the other detectors in the house. Maybe one is defective. Disconnect one at a time and see if the rest will stop going of. If you find a defective one replace it ASAP and do a full test to make sure everything is working correctly.
They will be much lighter. More computing power (mail, video sharing, internet, etc.). Longer battery life (days). Better battery technology. Sound will be more crisp clear even in open space. Integrated wallet (e-cash). As for the form factor we might see cellphones integrated in a watch or wrist type. Your cellphone could hold a lot of information and functionality like it could start your car, open your garage house door, pay your bills, do business conferencing, etc.

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