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Motor Swap on a Ship?

Ok I gotta ask with all those decks and everything above the engine on a ship how would someone go about hoisting the engine out of the ship if the block was un-repairable requiring a new engine??Especially on cruse ships and tankers.Do you have to dismantle the ship to get the engine out???


wulfman has it right..either cut a hole in the side or a hole in the deck, especially merchant ships with diesel engines.....although, in some warship classes that run on gas turbines, it's been designed in ahead of time that you can take the turbine out by dragging it up and out the exhaust stacks...VERY carefully
When I was in the Navy and we went into the shipyards for repair they had to replace our main diesel engine. It involved cutting a hole in the side of the ship and hoisting it out that way. When they replaced it they welded the panel they cut out back in place. If you notice on most ships when you are next to them they have a few panel welded this way.

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