www.swissinfo.ch/eng/Swissinfo.html?siteSect143sid5088097ROME (Reuters) - Freak weather has caused the collapse of some of the most famous peaks in the Italian Dolomites in what somescientists say is an effect of global warming. Scientists say the erosion process was accelerated by a summer of violent storms and an unseasonably cold and snowy winter that followed last year‘s hottest summer in 250 years.Oh, wuups! Silly me - comes from a European website, a Swiss website reporting Italian news - so it must be a big fat lie that the mountains collapsed and that 2006 was the hottest summer in 250 years, right?
Unseasonably cold? Doesn't sound like global warming to me. Now they're trying to blame global warming on the erosion of mountains? Mountains and rocks are supposed to break down, they've been doing it for millions of years. But if the collapsing is occurring, who says this should not take several million years? Sometimes things take place in a very short amount of time, whether it's rocks or climate.
Maybe due to the stones porosity under pressure, therefor permitting larger pieces to be leavened from the mountain mass because in a warmer summer the water penetrates deeper into the micro-fractured rock, freezing and expanding in winter, and then collapsing in the following summer due to the thawing of the ice riddled rock faces?