Does anyone have the recipe? It was in the New York Times magazine section some years back.Thank you in advance.
You can simply run the dishwasher empty and add vinegar or lemon juice to the cycle once it starts the washing phase. A whole bottle of white vinegar is what you need. There are also commercial products but vinegar or lemon juice will work. You can also pour this on the coil and just rub lightly with a sponge before a load of dishes and if you do it regularly it will stop the scale build up.
The white film build up on the heating coil is a result of hard water deposits. This can shorten the life of the heating element so the best thing to due is to address the hard water issue. The suggestions by others like running a white vinegar cycle occasionally, glass magic and rinse aid may help somewhat.
CLR is a product that removes lime scale from almost anything. You can pour it directly on the coils to loosen the scale. You can also pour two bottle into the dishwasher and run the dishwasher for a while, then pause it to allow the solution to penetrate all the lime scale, then let the cycle finish. Run two rinse cycles to clear out all the the CLR. Using it once a month after should keep the limes scale under control. I live in a high lime scale area and I use CLR anywhere there's lime. It's more powerful than vinegar or lemon juice and takes less time and elbow grease. Since I work full time I don't have hours to spend scraping lime.
Three words: Jet Dry Finish.... Works by safely and effectively breaking down and removing mineral build-up from the interior of your machine, including hard-to-reach parts like the heating element and sprayer arms. Remove sticker from top of bottle without removing the cap. Make sure your dishwasher is empty. Place the bottle upside down inside the silverware basket or in a secure position and run the dishwasher. For best results, use once a month.
Pour CLR over any seen rust or lime buildup. be confident to placed on GLOVES! you could saturate a paper towel and bypass away it on rusted factors. bypass away it for quite a few hours. do away with the towels run the dishwasher an entire cycle (empty) with a cup of CLR. Then run the dishwasher lower back an entire cycle to rinse each and all the CLR out. working CLR periodicaly interior the dishwasher will shop the pouts sparkling and your dishes gets purifier. DISHWASHER MAGIC is specialy formulated for removing rust from dishwashers. I actual have used IRON OUT interior the wash and it relatively works super at removing rust from the device and laundry.