my 5 month old dog doesn't like to be picked up, is there anything i can do to not make her so afraid?
its a dog...its young and has 4 legs that it walks on....its NOT a damn doll solution: dont pick the dog up
After you give her enough exercise outdoors, she may be happy to snuggle with you in your lap. But don't carry her around excessively. It's good to get dogs used to having to be lifted or their paws, ears, mouth, legs and tail touched. So just do all that fast once a day or week and that's it. Enjoy her energy - she wants to play and explore the world.
What would you think if someone bigger than you picked you up everytime they saw you? I'm betting you probably wouldn't like it. In the wild, dogs are not picked up by other dogs unless it's by their mother and she will only occasionally pick up a pup by the scruff of it's neck if it needs to move it quickly or is in danger. My advice is to let your dog be a dog.
Sure...stop grabbing hoisting it. There,wasn't that simple? It's a DOG,not a weight set.