i buried my two parakeets in a white cement tomb (2 compartments for the 2 birds) Since white cement is.. cement, will the stench of their bodies decaying inside be also smelled from the outside? They're just interred so I still don't know what will happen- will i smell the odor or not? and when I touch the cement tomb, is stick to my hand as duslike powder so it quot;erodesquot; away. Anyway I can stop this erosion of the cement? Thanks to the one who can answer my problem :) Hope you understand my love for my pets to make them a white cement niche even if it sounds weird :)
You must love your pets very much to make them a nice place for burial. How do you feel about painting the tomb? If you paint the white cement tomb you will not smell any odor and it should stop the erosion of the cement. A good paint to try is Kilz. They have a line of paints and primers that offer superior coverage, mildew resistance and tough stain and odor blocking. I am sorry for your loss. I hope this helps.