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My family's leather sofa is too dirty, how to clear? The

My family's leather sofa is too dirty, how to clear? The


Leather sofa should be placed in a ventilated and dry place, should not be wiped with water or washing, to avoid wet, mold and insects.
If there are holes, broken, burning phenomenon, please ask the professionals to clean up.
Once a week with a clean towel dipped in water wring dry after the sofa wipe. If there is dirt on the leather, wipe with a clean wet sponge dipped in detergent, or wipe with a cloth dampened with the appropriate amount of soap and water, and let it dry naturally.
Leather absorption strong, should pay attention to pollution prevention, the best in the spring, autumn season with a leather softener. Usually wipe the sofa when you do not rub heavily, so as not to damage the epidermis.
Sofa from the material points can be divided into leather sofa, fabric sofa, wooden sofa, rattan sofa. Material is different, the method of maintaining the sofa is not the same.

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