How do I improve my blow flow/circulation. My hands and feet get cold really quickly when I go out side and take an age to heat up when am back inside. I have introduced garlic to my diet as I know that increases flow but do you know of any other remedies other than gloves lol :D. Looking for any foods to eat fruits/veg/ supplements. What to avoid? Thanks
It could be circulation, do you eat a lot of fat? Do you exercise? Are you overweight? Of course, at this time of year, your overall body heat could just be low. The hands and feet are the first to go cold, because they're the farthest places from the heart. Make sure you're always wearing socks, even indoors, and always wear pants(as opposed to shorts or boxers/underwear in the privacy of your own home). If your hands and feet are still cold, raise the heat bit by bit until your hands and feet are warm or it starts to get uncomfortable.
well that certainly is a sign of bad circulation smoking also causes bad circulationalso try putting your hands under your armpitssounds gross but it is one of the warmest places on the really though what it boils down too is to stay away from things that are considered blood thinnersgood luck.