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my lime wirewont work :(?

help me.i downloaded it.but i had it before but i had to uninstall it. then i reinstalled it.but you know when i goes to like load and come up? well the part that says in the boxy thing LIMEWIRE comes up and goes away and nothing happens.WHAT DO I DO?


First off, the lime would destroy the bed. Second, the body bag would slow things down remarkably. Third, all conditions considered, probably about two months to be completely gone, a month to be unrecognizable as human or even once alive.
Even if i knew the answer that is the most boring thing i've ever heard i would not read that
maybe the body would destroy the liem!!?
From a forensic standpoint you must mean chloride of lime which is different from agricultural lime. A bodybag would not be very effective because the lime gasses that breakdown a body would have no room to expand and contract. This has been done before-in true crime that is-using a wooden crate with chloride of lime spread on the bottom and then encompassing the entire body within the crate. The body must be eviscerated to prevent what is known as coffin birth. The crate was then sealed with plastic and breakdown occurred in about 2 weeks with little noticeable smell. What is left is mummylike that can be completely burned or crumpled into the earth with no traces at all. I worked this up for the Janet March murder case since the body was never found. It's a plausible scenario provided the person involved had experience in Forensics or has worked as an embalmer as part of a funeral home staff. s_e_s

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