I opened up my mouse, and im currently using it without the top, because the left click on the mouse is only working about 1 in every 50 or so clicks with the shell on it.Is there a way I can make the click work again with the shell on or do I simply have to buy a new mouse?
You might be better off buying a new mouse. There are some out there that are dirt cheap. You can try cleaning the gunk out of it, if there is any noticeable. I bought an optical mouse 5 years ago for 20 bucks. It still works perfectly.
If you like repairing electronics, you could buy a small momentary SPST switch at Radio Shack or somewhere and install it. I had a mouse like this and it worked fine for years, it was a bit better than a regular mouse in fact because my index finger was raised a bit higher because of the height of the switch; less pressure necessary to click.
Well, I don't really have much experience in fixing mice on computers, but with the cost of a mouse today (less than $10 for a cheap one), I would recommend just buying a new one. Its a product that would be more expensive to fix than to simply buy a new one. Sorry.
Hi The 'click' is a microswitch tripping. Sometimes the plastic wears down just enough so the switch won't trip. Put a small piece of electrical tape on the back side of the mouse button and try it. Good luck!
if you are any good with soldering electrical equipment, you may be able to fix it, but a regular mouse costs $20. You can probably even get one free after rebates if you look. Try your local newspaper advertisements. Usually just easier to get a new mouse, unless you have some really cool expensive one.