I have a big Labrador Retriever who likes to hunt mice. The mice usually run under the fridge, so I pull it out so that he can run freely around the entire thing. For whatever reason, he would always swipe his paw at a thin copper pipe/bar on the bottom. It would make a noise and probably scare the mouse. This bar is pretty flexible.Now there is a rattling noise happening and a weird odor coming from the back and I can smell it throughout my apartment. I can‘t really describe the smell. It just smells like some industrial-type machine smell. Sort of like the musty smell that big floor furnaces make when they first get started in the Winter.The freezer is on top and the fridge portion is on bottom.Please help!
should have just got rid of the mice rather than having your dog bust up your fridge. probably would have been cheaper too.
Turn off the fridge and get rid of it. That smell is refrigerant.
The smell is most likely the odor of your refrigerant gas leaking out. You let your dog get back there and damage the copper lines. DOH! The rattling noise is the compressor running out of liquid to pump, so it is surging (hammering) on pockets of liquid refrigerant. Call the repair man soon before the gas makes you and everyone in your house sick. Then get some good old fashion snap type mouse traps to catch the mice and keep the dog away from the back of the refrigerator.