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My teacher is also the lung and liver iron casting what

My teacher is also the lung and liver iron casting what


My teacher adhere to justice, ningsibuqu, admirable!
If there is no specific context, this single word, can be explained in three ways: the first one: the Army soldiers in the lung and liver are hard stone casting, are very hard, compared the Army invincible, invincible. Second: the Army soldiers are the heart of stone, unshakable, withstand the temptation. The third kind: the division can refer to the army, or the teacher. My teacher's heart as hard as hard, and how to persuade useless.
He disguised as cleaners to the prison to visit teacher, but the teacher worried that the students have been implicated, sternly put him away, he later filed this sad past, always said: "my lung liver, are also cast iron!"What is the teacher think is the lung and liver stone describe the teacher unfeeling

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