All of my US electrical equipment has had it's wattage determined to provide the proper transformer to use. Transformers were bought to support between a third and half of the load that would be demanded. I am not using multiple devices which would cause overload. My TV (395W) only clicks once (like the sound of a relay) when plugged into the 3000W 220-120 step down transformer and never turns on. The transformers are tripping the breaker of the apartment now. I was assured there would be no problems taking my US equipment to Amsterdam and using transformers. Some light on this subject would be appreciated. I can't imagine everyone has this trouble, or there wouldn't be companies in the US in this business.
I assume you connected the transformer with the 220 volt (primary)connected to the apartment outlet and the 120 volt (secondary) to the TV-right? OK, the tv should work on either 50 Hz (Euro frequency) or 60 Hz , so that is not the problem. since you said that the transformers are now tripping the aprtment breakers-indicates a short-circuit or overload. 395 watts would not trip a breaker, so it sounds like an internal fault in the transformer, it let enough current thru to click the relay and then faulted. There are stores downtown along the main canal that sell step-down transformers, try a new one. Hope it is not the tv! Good luck.
If you get your US tv working, remember that the US tv is NTSC format. I think Amsterdam will be using PAL format.
I think the transformer is faulty. From my experience whether 50Hz or 60Hz power supply is ok for the TV. BTW did u press the on button on the TV or CH+/- button to switch on ?? ----just joking. To me everything seems ok except the transformer check if it is damaged
no as the TV you bought was PAL or SECAM which means it can only broadcast/read that kind of picture. where as in the US that have a NTSC picture you will also notice on DVDs they have PAL or NTSC written on them saying that only they will work on certain DVD players such as US one. sorry mate id recommend selling it and buying a new one in the US.
In case noone else has a better answer, this might be something to think about not sure if it is correct TV's especially, require the 60Hz frequency of the electricity in order to work properly if the Amsterdam power runs at a different frequency that might be the reason. Transformers convert the power (wattage) correctly, but not all transformers will convert to the correct frequency most transformers will convert wattage at the frequency they are plugged into If this IS the case, you need a wattage and frequency converter for your tv to work again, I may be wrong