myspace proxyswhos has any good ones???????????
The worst are the ones who adopt a bit of science, then twist it to make their claims look legitimate. Most famous examples: Ken Hovind and Ron Wyatt.
There are loopholes as with anything else, it cannot be fully explained in theory but if you read and spend enough time reading and researching biblical Theology you might understand a bit more than you do now and yet it does take but a small leap of faith to realize that all of this has not been done by happenstance or by people but must have been done by a supreme being and once studying how long the bible has been about and why it is the oldest book still about and certain truths that have been predicted (that have already happened) it is not that difficult to have faithbut being that everything is not fully explained and that in the bible it says one must have faith and not of themselves.. but by the grace of God be saved lest any man should boast pretty much says that it's not about you its about him and therefore explained or not explained you'll not get it so you must just believe and he gives us plenty of information to lead us to believe in him but he says no-one not even Jesus himself knows when the end times will be. so he does not give all the answers and why should he
Don't accuse all Christians. For every discovery there were nay-sayers, and many of the discoverers were Christians. The same groups have not opposed each of your examples and the reasons were varied. There are irrational fanatics and principled theologians in the mix.
The formula for Resistance is as follows: RpL/A Lets say the cable is copper, a very good conductor. The resistance in a 300 kilometer wire six meters thick is as follows; R(1.68X10-8)(300000)/((3.14159265)(3^1.78X10^-4 That's pretty good. You would loose little energy to the resistance. However there is one little problem. Copper costs $2.80 per lbs. The volume of a cable 300 km long and 6 meters thick comes to the following: Volumepi*r^2*l 3.141592654(3)^2(300000)8482300 cubic meters. Copper weighs 8.96 g/cm^3. This converts to 8960 kg/m^3. That converts to 19757 lbs/m^3. 8482300 m^2*19757 lbs/m^3*$2.80/lb 469,232,702,164 dollars. This is about ten thousand times more than the cost of rigging 300 km of power lines and building the power plant that could supply the same amount of electricity.
because it contradicts the bible in so many places. This is why there is actually a large group of people that want creationism taught in school even though there is NO scientific evidence to support it and MOUNTAINS of evidence suporting the fact that we evolved from primates.