NC Law, I need an answer please!?
Additional 2 to 3 air gap act also as an insulation so it will not reduce the effectiveness of the insulationSince probable existing insulation has moisture barrier installed against attic floor it is important to buy blankets without moisture barrier.
DON'T COMPACT IT! The air gaps are what provides the insulating valueOther then that, it really doesn't matter if you roll it out perpendicular or parallel with the trussesUsually, if you are rolling multiple layers of batt insulation, you would alternate the layers.
Lay it at a right angle to the existingCompressing insulation takes out the vital air spaces that make it insulate so you would be doing the equivalent of removing the compressed insulation - not good.
How To Install Roll Insulation
If the 16 yr old is charged and will be tried in adult court, then it's perfectly normal to list names in the newspaper, or show photosWith a charge such as this, it would be expected that they would be charged in adult courtIncidentally, from what I read in that link, it was a 16,17, and 18 yr oldNo 13 yr old mentionedThey also specify that authorities believed the bomb making materials were used to damage the three mailboxesNothing about batsThe only baseball bat I saw mentioned was another case further up the pageSorry, but if you're caught with bomb making materials, that is a charge you could be facing.