Well I am looking for a kit that melts *pure copper or and allows me to pour it into molds. Thought I can't find a kit like that, I am also searching for a material from which I can make molds out of no luck finding it yet but I am still searching for it.
I don't think it is common to use pure copper for any kind of metal casting. Pure copper has a higher melting point than bronze. There is probably not much point in using pure copper instead of bronze unless you need it to conduct electricity. Generally you can try a oxyacetylene torch for small amounts if you have access to one, but you also need a suitable crucible and experience with metal casting so you know how to use it safely and the necessary safety equipment. You can look up instructions/explanation for lost wax casting, if you google it you will find enough on the internet. But unless you work in jewelry size you can't do metal casting by yourself anyway, so look if there is a class in metal casting in your area. In general, there are no cheap metal melting kits, closest are probably small induction crucibles which you can buy at jewelry supply places like rio grande or gesswein, but they will set you back between $500-2000, depending on capacity.