i need some help connecting my fan: from the regulator up in the ceiling theres1 copper ground wire1 black wireand 1 white wire connected to another white wire connected to a green wire.out of the fan theres1 blue1 black1 white and green connectedand 1 green thats bolted to the fan. (possibly a ground wire)please Answer THANKS!
There is a pedal for braking. It's not the primary brake but it's there. And the other foot shifts the gears.
Haven't you got any manual ?
calm down , this is easy the 2 wires black and blue out of the fan are function wires as to the fan or the lite assembly if u have a lite kit on the fan if u dont ,attach the black and blue together on the black wire out of the ceiling box, then attach the white wire of the fan to the white wire in the ceiling, then attach the bare , green , wires to the copper wire out of ceiling box, just to help out there should be a cross bar attached to the box , on that cross bar is a hook, and if look on the fan attachmnet area there should be a eyelet of some sort so that u can hang the fan as u are wiring it together so u dont have hold on to the fan as u wire it up
Ever force a scooter interior the rain? or 8 inches of snow? or while this is 20 tiers below 0 ? or once you spend an familiar of 20 plus hours utilising a week ? status on a scooter for that long or in those circumstances may be torture. Gimme a snug vehicle with warmth, A/C, and a roof over my head.