A fire hose ejects a stream of water at an angle of 31.8 ° above the horizontal. The water leaves the nozzle with a speed of 24.0 m/s. Assuming that the water behaves like a projectile, how far from a building should the fire hose be located to hit the highest possible fire?
The fabric of the universe is made up of three parts of space and one part of time - and where gravity and acceleration are indistinguishable from each other - and where gravity changes the geometry of space by making it curve. You could say that gravity is the thing over which the fabric of the universe is curved.
Does you fire alarm also detect carbon dioxide? It could be that. I dont think thats very good, sorry I dont know much about that. But this is a possiblility
in the ground by your power box..a rod with a wire running to your power box
Ours went off before for about 30 secs without any smoke, fire, dust. It's probably the battery that's dead, or if it's a mains smoke detector it'll be the backup battery. Hope I helped :)