my buddy sent me some zig zag wraps through the mailHe put them in a envelope They are in a aluminum type package but I know.for a fact that.they.set off metal detectorsIf they went through.and started beeping, do they open the envelope?
Yes because for all they know it could be a gun knife bomb whatever I know it may seem a little extreme for an envelope but at my school if you your phone and walk through a metal detector and it goes off then they search all your stuff
STOP PUTTING ICE ON ITIce just burns it even more by cold temperatureIce does not work in you situation!! Right now you should go to your bathtub and let the water run against your toeWhile water is hitting it, it doesn't hurt that muchJust do that for 15-20 minutesIf it still stings, leave it in longerAfter a while you should be ok it will just leave a blister.