Looking at putting in a drop ceiling...someone said they saw one at Menards that is supposed to fit tight to the rafters...has anyone seen this or used it?? Likes/dislikes??
Sorry, can't help you out, but I felt bad that nobody has replied to your question!!!
I saw them advertise and they look pretty cool. The grid is attached directly to rafters, and then you slide in the tiles. They might have them on their website on the weekly flyer.
This Site Might Help You. RE: New drop ceiling at Menards? Looking at putting in a drop ceiling...someone said they saw one at Menards that is supposed to fit tight to the rafters...has anyone seen this or used it? Likes/dislikes?
How about just swapping the ceiling panels. If no one has complained lately maybe the office manager doesn't remember where the outlet is located. The air that would have come directly down on her would end up in the ceiling area but would fall down through the moved panel since it's cold. That way everyone else would still be cool and if the manager looked up he would not see any blockage. No finger print now and the less people that know about it the better..... Sounds like you have a real jerk for an office manager, drunk with power.
I haven't used it, but it does look interesting. I have a basement finishing coming up in the next year or so and this will definitely be on the list of things to check out.