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No hot water coming from the bathroom sink?

We recently renovated our entire house and we replaced all the faucets in the entire house. The electric hot water heater was also relocated. But now the water doesn't get hot in either bathroom sink. The faucets were purchased from Home Depot I have enclosed the link below. I don't want to call the contractor back out because I don't feel like dealing with him. It took him 8 month to complete the renovation that was suppose to take 2 months... Please help !! http://www.homedepot /Bath-Bathroom-Faucets-8-Widespread-Sink-Faucets/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xg1ZaqnbZ1z139uiZ1z139etZ1z11e3f/R-202044181/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053


Tonya, It has nothing to do with the faucets. If you get hot water anywhere in your house, the water heater is not the problem either. When you turn on those faucets on as if to get hot water out of those faucets & the water NEVER gets hot, that means that your contractor improperly connected those faucets. In other words, those faucets are not connected to the hot water line. You're going to have to call that contractor back to have him fix his screw-up. Good luck.
There may, be a stop tap for the tap, which doesn't affect other taps, which someone has turned off. The only other things I can think of. are something blocking the tap, which you would notice, or the tap itself is failing to open the seal. If you intend to take tap apart to look into it, be sure to turn off the stop tap which leads to that tap, and more likely to other water outlets as well, not the supply tap where water enters the building, as this won't stop the water from the storage tanks. Hope you sort it out, if not try ringing a plumber for advice, some ARE that considerate, as I found when I was having problems fitting self cutting tap for washing machine, it might have more chance if a lady rings.
The first thing to do is check under the sinks and make sure the hot water valve (located on the left) is turned all the way counter-clockwise. If these are open the next step is to go to the water heater with a flashlight. Check the outgoing pipe on this to see if it is warm. If it is warm, start from there and follow this plumbing line with your flashlight and when you encounter a valve on this line make sure the valve is open. This line will branch off and may have another valve or 2 and make sure these are open as well. My hunch is you will find one of these valves closed and the worker forgot to turn the valve back open. If you happen to encounter a valve with a lever instead of a wheel type, the lever should be turned in-line with the pipe. This is the open position. Good luck!
how far is the water heater from the sink, are you letting it run long enough, sometimes it takes a while. if the sink is connected to the heater, sooner or later it will heat up, if not, it isnt connected and you need to call the contracter. or you could get an undersink water heater just for that sink. you could also look under the sink to make sure the hot water water line is connected the the hot valve and it is open, although if it isnt there is probably a not good reason.
Check the shut of (isolation valve under the sink and check around the tank to see if a valve inline exist. The chance of two newfaucets not working is a million to 1.

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