I am running Windows XP , suddenly and for no reason, my speakers quit working. I have checked all the connections and they are ok, The headphones are working ok . Any help is greatly appreciated
Hrmm. If your headphone jacks are working, but the speakers aren't, then that means that your sound card is fine. It sounds like something is wrong with your speakers. Try to fumble with the wires. If not, then maybe you should call up the company.
Previous smart *** answers aside Try plugging your speakers into a mp3 player, walkman, or anything that has an plug in for your speakers. If they work, then it could be your sound card has a problem. I don't know where you plug your headphones into, but if they are plugged into the speakers and working, then you could take your speakers a part and check those connections. I hope you figure it out.
Most of the time you just have to reinstall your sound card drivers. If this just happened then try to use system restore to a date that it worked on. Also check your speakers and check that they are plugged into the back of the computer and the speakers are plugged in to a wall outlet if needed. You can also go to the controll panel ---sounds and devices----audio then look at what it says is the default device. If it doesn't have a default device then use the pull down menu and select one if there isn't one then install you sound drivers and all should be well. If your head phones work well then try to put the headphones in the speaker port. If they work then your speakers are shot if they don't then you need a new sound card. You can get them pretty cheap at micro center or fry's. I hope this helps.
1) Speaker Plug plugged into sound card Output jack 2) Speaker power On, Volume turned Up 3) Control Panel, Sounds and Audio Devices, check that the speakers are turned On, and Volume Up 4) Headset plugged into sound card Output has sound If all of the above are true, and still no sound from speakers, the speakers are Dead Good Luck