My son is obsessed with the vacuum cleaner. Every time we go to a store, be it walmart, samsclub, target, home depot or best buy, we have to go to the vacuum cleaner isle. He wants to watch other kids vacuuming on youtube. He wants us to draw vacuums on his magna doodle. He's memorized all the brands of vacuum cleaners. Is this HEALTHY??? Any of you in the same situation? What are your kids obsessed with? PS: lately his interests have expanded to the lawn mowers, lawn tractors, power drills and his father's tool set BUT the vacuum cleaner still remains his all time favorite obsession.
Heck I would be worried if he WASEN'T interested in something lol but he seems like a perfectly normal little man to me! SO cute! Good luck heck maybe you can get him to do some housework now LOL j/k
My nephew had an obsession with washing machines. He would sit for ages just staring at them going around and get all hyped and excited. Still he has grown up normal...:)
My son just turned 2 today and he loves the vacuum too. I can't hardly vacuum if he is around. I usually have to let him vacuum for a while before I can even try or he will get so upset. I have 2 types of vacuums an upright and a canister. He loves the canister the best, he likes to vacuum then when I use it he rides on the canister part. He is also obsessed with any kind of tool. If you are changing the batteries in something you better get him his own driver as he calls it. He also loves shovels, you can't hardly get anything done with him around. He also loves dosedose (bulldozers) he remembers where all of them are from here to town and will start pointing and yelling before we are even there. He also loves lawnmowers.
Well he must be really interested in motors or motor works and such. It's perfectly normal; everyone has a thing that they like. Whether it be vacuums or pencils. There's nothing wrong with this at all.