I live on a three story wooden building apartment. My car keeps being broken into, so I‘ve been looking around for a two-way car alarm. The ones that have caught my eye are two-way DEI (Clifford, Viper, .) and Omega (k9, CrimeGuard 550i6, .).Omegas offer more features for the same price, but DEI has a better reputation.Which one should I buy?
DEI viper or clifford the are both the same and we like them better, we sale both also prestige and code alarm, but in our vehicles we all have Viper alarms
If your car keeps getting hit in an apartment complex, it's usually some tenants criminal teenager doing it to get weed money. Get a good IP camera and park where you can see your car from a window. Record until it gets broken into again and either A) Take the video to the police if you don't recognize them or B)If you recognize the person and it's a minor, take the video to their parents and threaten to press charges if they don't pay for damages and straighten their kid out or C) Take a baseball bat to their knees and tell them the next time it happens, you'll not only do that but will also turn the video over to the police so they go to jail. Most car thieves are cowards anyway. If the only place it's happening is at your apartment, your problem is with some local punk. Depending on the state that you live in, you may be able to protect your property with your Second Amendment rightsjust sayin'.