I am doing this project to find eco friendly alternatives for businesses. So how is electricity in it generated. Also.why is the pollution of water bad? I mean i realize that it kills marine life, and it affects biodiversity, but how does it affect the wold, or even us humans???
Newer cruise ships have diesel generators that produce enough electricity to run everything; water desalination plants, ships power, heating, recycling/garbage equipment, electric motors on pods that act both as propellers and thrusters so the ships don't need tugboats most of the time. Fish live in the water, people eat fish, someday we might have to have desalination plants for city water systems.
Many modern cruise ships use a combination gas and steam power or COGAS plant to produce electric power. Much like you cars alternator in your car it converts other power sources into electricity. Unlike you car though the COGAS system does not directly power the ship but sends the electricity to electric turbines for propulsion and also provides the rest of the ship with electric power. The human body uses about 10 cups of water each day. No matter how it regains this water ( liquid or solid ) all these sources get it from nature. Contaminates in the water, though most tend to be filtered out, pass on to the food or water source that you get it from. Obviously, contaminates like weed killer use on a lawn, can contaminate rivers and streams causing other plants and animals to mutate and die. Though much has been done to keep contaminated water from reaching humans in more recent times some still make it through the filtering systems. Contaminated water has been found to be main contributing factors in plagues, cancer, mutations, as well as other things in humans. I hope this helps.
Electricity would likely come from a generator, running on the same fuel which moves the ship. Diesel, bunker oil, or maybe coal. The bad of water pollution depends some on the kind of pollution. Mercury tends to concentrate as it moves up the food chain, until people who eat lots of fish become at risk for brain damage. Enough carbon dioxide in the water makes it more acid, which kills lots of things in the ocean and means less for people to eat. Lots of nitrogen (nitrates nitrites) may lead to overgrowth of plants, which then die and make a dead zone where not much of anything lives. Besides dead oceans not making any fish to eat, there is the possibility that a large part of the world will not be capturing carbon dioxide, which would increase global climate change (the greenhouse effect)