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On renewable resourcesPapers on renewable resources

On renewable resourcesPapers on renewable resources


In recent years, the production of industrial chemicals and plastics has grown dramatically. Plastic industry employees 1 million 200 thousand people, there are 20000 sets of production and processing equipment, in the past spent $1 billion investment in research and development, only to get today's achievements. If plastic raw materials are not renewable resources, sooner or later one day will become very expensive. On the one hand, whether there are trillions of barrels of oil production, crude oil prices can be less than $10 a barrel. World crude oil production has changed rapidly, and there are many uncertain factors. On the other hand, it is indisputable that fossil fuels are limited. It is important to consider the sensitivity of future prices when the supply is peak, rather than arguing about when the oil will run out of time. Recently, due to the discovery and application of several new resources, crude oil production may increase in 20 years. However, it must be noted that the United States has been a crude oil importer, 50% of crude oil imports. If the import of crude oil is stopped, the fossil fuel resources available in North America can only be maintained for about 14 years. If the current level of imports does not increase, it can only be used for 28 years. Of course, there will be new improved extraction techniques, such as horizontal drilling and nuclear magnetic resonance drilling, but in recent years to achieve results, the hope is not big.
petrochemical industryThe application of chemistry, engineering, physics, geography and other disciplines in the petrochemical industry, the impact on people's lives is unimaginable 50 years ago. The petroleum chemical industry successfully created a number of products, from jet fuel with high performance to basic chemicals and many polymers, such as polypropylene, polystyrene, polyacrylonitrile, polyvinylidene chloride and polycarbonate etc..The petrochemical industry is a capital intensive industry that has built up considerable infrastructure to process and process fossil fuels. The United States to use 13 million 900 thousand barrels per day of raw materials, most of which are used as fuel based products for chemical and other industrial raw materials production, about 2 million 600 thousand barrels of oil a day of raw materials.
The United States has applied technological advances to the adjustment of plants and crops, which has played a major role in maintaining sustainable development in agriculture, forestry and manufacturing. The future of the country depends heavily on recent research on the development of renewable resources.

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