On the production of deodorant trash
Design a small box in which the deodorant is placed in the barrel. Because any method of deodorization is a temporary solution, the garbage will be a period of time to corrupt smelly, to prevent the garbage can only use the smell of corruption, disinfectant, bacteriostatic agent, which will inevitably increase the cost and labor
2, trash can be used deodorant deodorant (pill) such as health ball, adsorption materials such as waste tea (use dried), activated carbon (coke, charcoal and other common), medical Nyorai Lysol disinfectant, bleaching powder, 84 disinfectant etc.. But the best way I think is to improve the sealing of the trash and the convenience of use, if necessary, can be designed in the barrel of a small box of deodorant (pill). Because any deodorization methods are palliatives, garbage for a period of time will stink of corruption, to prevent the stink of corruption refuse can only use disinfectant, bacteriostatic agent, it will increase the cost and labor.
1, the general composition of the trash is stainless steel, plastic, concrete (Zhuan Shi) structure.