I just today noticed that one of the brackets of my braces is coming off, and it has a piece of enamel stuck to it, but not the whole front of my tooth, it's a little sliver.Does enamel grow back? I'm just wondering
*giggles* It's not the enamel, its just the glue! No biggie But you need to go back to your 'Orthodontist' and have it placed back on. Dont waste time doing it either The longer you wait, the longer that bracket has missed out on its purpose. All that does is. prolongs YOUR treatment!
it might not be enamel, however if is enamel it wont grow back and it will make the tooth weaker. You can get it filled for looks tho.
You need to make an appointment with your orthodontist to have the bracket re-bonded. You probably have glue/adhesive stuck to your bracket. Make an appointment with your ortho ASAP. Don't panic. Chances are the enamel of your tooth hasn't come off.
The odds are good that its not enamel but the cement used to glue the bracket to your tooth. Just try not to play with it and if you can, I would suggest to avoid chewing on that side of your mouth until you can see the dentist monday but be sure to call him as soon as they open so they can get you in right away.
Yeah, you already figured out that it's just the glue. You WILL have to get this fixed as soon as you can, though, because you can't brush under a loose bracket and you might get a cavity there. Also, if the bracket is not attached to your tooth, the tooth won't move. If you have an appointment in about a week, just wait until then. If it's farther away than that, call and ask what the orthodnotist wants you to do. It's a good idea to call anyhow, so they know to have enough time saved to rebond your bracket.