i just got him yesterday, he's still a baby, I need to know the quot;must knowsquot; about raising a bunny, and can i really potty train him? how? please i need answers from people with experiences,thanks a lot :)
Tungsten You would have nothing but 460 Celsius to cool to so you would have to force cooling with Stirling engines which takes a lot of energy and you need a cold sink to gather energy but you only have 460 Celsius as a usable cold sink so you would get very little energy from your energy sources even if you used nuclear energy Even so, NASA does have plans for a Venusian rover.
460 C isn't that hot for metalsLead and tin are pretty much the only metals that will melt at that temperatureThe problem isn't with the metal structure, it's with the electronicsAt high temperatures, diffusion in integrated circuits would quickly render them uselessThe other problem is the pressure, 90 times Earth's atmospheric pressureNot to mention the clouds of acid it has to pass through on the way down.
Never mind walkingWhy wouldn't we first concentrate on building a probe that can simply sit there for longer than an hour without failingFinding materials that don't melt isn't the problem-both of the Soviet probes are still sitting on the surface of Venus, if the extremely corrosive nature of its very high pressure, sulfuric acid atmosphere hasn't completely chemically degraded it after 40 yearsI can't imagine what kind of thermal cooling you imagine might work when the ambient temperature is hotter than a furnaceAny kind of cryonics would be exhausted in no time, certainly making a rover mission ludicrousI don't think there is any kind of heat pump made that can deal with that kind of challengeI can't imagine there is any real interest in more missions to Venus, that money is far better spend heading outwardThe real challenge of Venus is already met, after the Soviets landed thereSomewhat like the Moon, after the propaganda value expired, so did interestAt least there are some real reasons to return to the Moon.
We raised rabbits several years ago; but it was on more of a small commercial basis, rather than as petsWe kept them in commercial type cages with feeding trays, with straw for beddingRabbits re-ingest (consume or eat) their nighttime stool; I understand that they get additional nutrition by doing thisWe wired a No10 can into the corner of the cage for waterMost people use water bottles; but they tend to chew the aluminum tubes and I'm not sure how much aluminum they ingest nor whether it actually harms themYou can probably obtain a book on raising rabbits from your local Agor 4H AgentTame rabbits need to be kept out of direct wind and precipitation; but they can otherwise withstand even extreme cold if they are kept outside most of the time (it got down as low as minus 30 degrees Fa couple winters we had them)As far as feeding, you can feed him some grass, lettuce, carrots, etc., but it's not really necessary; just buy some commercial rabbit feed which comes in pellet form and be careful not to overfeedAs for potty-training, check with your local pet storeJust be sure to keep plenty of newspapers on the floor if you take him into the house!