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Performance parameters of steel plastic geogrid

Performance parameters of steel plastic geogrid


gsz30 30 30 30 30 30≤3≤3≤3≤3 232 232 gsz40≥35 40 40 40 40 40≤3≤3≤3≤3 149 149~35≥gsz50(A)50 50 50 50 50≤3≤3≤3≤3 220 220~35≥gsz50(B)50 50 50 50 50≤3≤3≤3≤3 125 125≥35 gsz60(一)60 60 60 60 60≤3≤3≤3≤3 170 170~35≥gsz60(B)60 60 60 60 60≤3≤3≤3≤3 107 107 gsz70 35≥70 70 70 70 70≤3≤3≤3≤3 137 137~35≥80 80 gsz80≤3≤3 80 80 80≤3≤3 113与&;lt;,,/指距> gsz100 113~35≥100 100 100 100 100 100≤3≤3≤3≤3 35≥95
After 100 freeze-thaw cycles per meter elongation% mesh net from mm antifireeze Index C viscosity, peel strength of N solder joint ultimate longitudinal and transverse longitudinal and transverse longitudinal and transverse longitudinal and transverse longitudinal and transverse
The ultimate tensile strength of KN/m type per meter per meter of elongation 100 times per meter KN/m% freeze thawing ultimate tensile strength

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