I want to learn to play the piano through internet like youtube but buying piano is too expensive, so I'm planning to buy electronic keyboard.Is that okay?If i learn how to play the electronic keyboard would that mean i can play the piano too?pls help. thanks :))
The touch of the acoustic piano keys differs from those of most electronic piano. Some players will have some problems in term of key feeling when they 'migrate' from the electronic one to the acoustic. Thus if you plan to have a acoustic eventually by one day, choose carefully an electronic that will resemble the feel of the real one.
there is so much more dynamic range and touch and feel and sensitivity related issues related to how hard you touch the keys and what sound you get out of them when playing the real piano as opposed to a keyboard that i would start him on a real piano if he really wants to play. otherwise, if he shows talent and transitions to the piano afterwards, he will have issues with dynamics and soft vs. light touch on the keys and the different sounds they produce that it will be just like starting over and learning againhaving said that, there are alot of keyboards of there now that have touch sensitive dynamic keys.but, they are probably out of the price range that a beginner is going to lay out for an intial instrument. rent a piano from a store or dealer.it will be cheaper than buying one, he will get to learn on a real instrument with a real dynamic range and touch sensitive and percussive keys, and if he doesn't have it and gives it up, you can return the piano without having had to purchase one and then be stuck with it. and don't listen to the one above who says he's too young.it's the optimal time to get him started if he wants.i started on keys and guitar at 5 and then sax and clarinet at 7 and it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.it will help his cognitive, hand/eye and analytical development more than anything else that you could do
it is okay to get a electric piano (keyboard) instead of a usual piano, but personally i perfer the usual piano better because it has i nice touch, but so are really expensive and there's a bunch of wacky noises on the keyboard!
If you are going to learn how to play piano through youtube, why are you worried about whether a keyboard is ok to use or not?