
plastic bags ban?

when was the first idea introduced that plastic bags should be banned? i need it for my opening statement for an exposition.


there are many countries that have banned plastic bags and many municipalities have a ban on then ,I believe the first country to fully ban them was Tibet or Mongolia
Probably when they were introduced in 1991-92. I was running retail stores when they came out. Immediately the arguments started over costs, comparative pollution during manufacture between plastic and paper, strength, etc. At the time, plastic was actually less polluting (during manufacture) than paper bags. Primarily in the output of Dioxins from paper treatment. Plastics also used less energy per unit in production. I don't know if this has changed since then. Either way, unless recycled both will sit forever when buried in a landfill and both are awful when allowed to drift around the countryside.
i dont know, but this has nothing to do with the enviroment

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