Eel O'Brien, A.K.A. Plastic Man, stated he has a son. Did he father this offspring before or after he was transformed into Plastic Man? If it was after, do you know if the son has any abilites like his Dad? Thanks.
I thought Richie Hawitn was Plastikman. Oh well.
He definitely fathered the son BEFORE he became Plastic Man. If he had been Rubber Man, he wouldn't have fathered any son!
He does have a son. The son's powers were developing, and he was getting involved with the wrong side of the law. Batman brought Plas in to help. I have it packed away so I don't know the exact issue number, but it was from the last run of Justice League, about 2 years ago.
In issue #65, writer Joe Kelly revealed that Plastic Man has a 10-year-old son as a result of a fling with a stripper (and additionally that Plas can change color, although with great difficulty). The son, Luke, inherited Plastic Man's abilities but has greater control over them. In this issue, Plas convinces Batman to help him prevent the boy from adopting a life of crime, and even arranges to hypnotically erase his own memory of his life as a superhero in order to be a more responsible father. This was short-lived, as the JLA needed Plastic Man to regain his memories in order to fight a renegade member, Martian Manhunter.