I wonder how much oil we have used to create all these plastic cards.
Too much ~ USE CASH~ these cards are the root of financial evil in the country The credit card companies give credit too easily most people have trouble paying it back. Then there's the whole identity theft that could be made much more defficult if they would change the requirements for getting credit. Then there's the fees they charge the vendors for using them. You may be getting cash rewards but did you relaize it's the merchants paying for your rewards not the credit card co.'s? It's a big money filter that just keeps letting the credit card co.'s get richer richer. Don't get me started on the commercials they're putting out making it look like you messed up everyone's groove by paying cash................ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh... they burn my butt
I prefer plastic. You can't collect Air Miles with cash.
Cash, cash, cash! No plastic, no banks, just cash! If I need to order something online I get a prepaid visa, otherwise just cash.
My mehod of payment is cash. Cold hard cash. You can spend it right now. No worrying is the check is good. Also credit the same thing applies. Then there is a debit card which would be the same as cash so I guess it would be ok also. But I still prefer cash.
I use plastic all month then pay it off in full at the end of the month. I've had the same cards forever it seems. All the numbers are worn off and I had to sign it with a sharpie last week. I'm going to google this and see if there's info on what it takes to produce them. But don't expect me to give up the plastic anytime soon unless they implant Nordstrom chips the next time I'm at the mall.